Friday, July 10, 2009


Since I have been away I have thought long and hard about continuing this site. With North America in such a economical bind is it right to glorify things with such minimal importance? I honestly felt wrong talking about certain thing especially with so many people in a position of despair, hardly able to maintain. Not that this site is some global influence on any scale but as citizens I feel it's my duty to be conscious of our state of government and news.
Around the time I was intially going to launch the site(December 2008) I really had to rearrange my mission and formulate a better one for 2009. I wanted to make sure that even though I was featuring a e-comerce site that "making a million" wasn't the main focus. That friends understand that this was just my version of giving back to a culture that has given me so much enjoyment and knowledge. Even when I was away I felt wrong not to share. This period of distance was needed to build a foundation but also recharge my influences a bit plus I love to travel!!

I'm currently in Chicago getting "the meat and potatoes" together.
I have been lucky to have met /kept a lot of contacts and EXTREMELY LUCKY to have been granted unprecedented entry into some of the best thrift & retail stores in the World(As you can see to left, review coming soon).
I will be posting stuff on the blog until the official drop plus a few goodies too. I will be the first to admit my blogging has been much sporadic but I promise you that WHEN the site drops it will be magical! (Also THANK YOU!! to those readers who responded with comments about the new look of the coming site and well wishes!) A few readers were able to see the new site via email and soft online drop..

Take care and stay tuned...
JDS/Contemporary Science/ALL Designs
"A celebration for the celebrated and uncelebrated.. ."

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